How It Works

Shop. Save. Support. It's Easy!

Sign Up for Free

Register and link your preferred payment card (debit or credit).

Choose a Charity

Select your favorite charity and the percentage you wish to donate from your cashback.


Shop at participating stores (online or in-store).

Save and Support

Save $$$'s AND support your cause!

Shop and support your favourite charity at the same time

By purchasing products or services featured on Rewards Program™, you can take advantage of the available savings, plus support the Charity of your choice..

  • 1. Register to become a Rewards Program member ™
  • 3. Select a Charity of your choice
  • 5. Start shopping, saving and giving!
  • 6. You will receive an email acknowledgement for the donation you have made.
  • 5. It’s as simple as that!

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